3-month correspondence course
for regular classes

This course has been designed for MG students who are unable to attend regular classes.

NB: To enroll in this course it is necessary to register as a regular student.



This correspondence follows the schedule of a regular class
Mailing of class material unitsFone week before the lessons start

Each lesson includes 1 page giving detailed
explanations of class material

Historical material include the famous manuscript Tacuinum Sanitatis written in 1490
(MG facsimile collection)

This 3-month course includes 11 lessons, divided into 3 units.
Each unit will be mailed separately.

The FIRST UNIT covers lessons 1 to 4 and will be mailed 1 week before lesson 1 starts. At the end of lesson 4 the first class project is given; this should be sent to MG School within the time limit of the course and it will be mailed back to the student with corrections and comments.

The SECOND UNIT covers lessons 5 to 8 and will be mailed 1 week before lesson 5 starts. At the end of lesson 8 the second class project is given and should be sent to MG School within the time limit of the course. It will be mailed back to the student with corrections and comments.

The THIRD UNIT covers lessons 9 to 11 and will be mailed 1 week before lesson 9 starts. The last class project should be sent to the School within the 3-month period. As part of lesson 12, it will be returned to the student with comments and corrections.



Office hours: Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
from 10:00 to 18:00

Yonbancho 11-4-201, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0081
Mail address: info@mg-school.com

Tel. (03) 3261-5273 Fax (03) 3261-5277